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Monday, December 27, 2010

Using Subliminal Hypnosis CDs and Other Ways to Achieve Higher Consciousness

Using Subliminal Hypnosis CDs  and Other Ways to Achieve Higher Consciousness


People have different levels of consciousness. Our normal consciousness level makes us aware of what's happening around us, what we're doing, where we are, what we see, what we feel, and so on.


But a lot of mind experts have opened up our interest to higher levels of consciousness. According to studies, expansion of the human consciousness can benefit humans a lot, and it should therefore be the goal of each person. Achieving a higher level of consciousness means we become more sensitive to what's going on around us and we can perceive more than what occurs on the surface. For example, we become acutely aware not just of our actions, but also of the purposes behind our actions and also the effects of our actions. This means we can see things from a broader perspective; doing so usually provides a person with more wisdom especially in making decisions.


If you want to achieve full consciousness, here are some of the most effective ways to do so:


1. Meditate regularly. One of the reasons why most people get trapped in the basic level of consciousness is that they get distracted by what's currently happening around them. They become so engrossed and closely immersed in all the activity that they don't broaden their perspective to see the reasons, causes, effects, consequences, and so on that trail from a particular event or action.


That's why, in order to achieve higher consciousness, it is important to take some time every day to just sit quietly and look deep into your soul. This is the practice of meditation. By removing the daily worries that plague your mind, you are able to look deeper into who you really are and why you really do what you do. You are able to know and understand yourself better, which is key in achieving higher consciousness.


2. Listen to subliminal hypnosis CDs. When your mind stays in the active current state of consciousness, it will not achieve higher consciousness. It will be trapped in this particular level of consciousness. Subliminal hypnosis CDs, however, are created to slowly guide the mind towards deeper consciousness states.


Beyond ordinary consciousness, subliminal hypnosis CDs guide your brain to the subliminal consciousness, then to trance states, after which comes the higher consciousness. The subliminal self is what stores our impulses, habits, and urges. The trance state opens us up to suggestion and influence from another source. And finally, higher consciousness makes us acutely aware of our impulses and what triggers them as well as to the suggestions and influences trying to take control of us.  


Gaining higher consciousness benefits us by making us aware of ourselves and of our surroundings, by enabling us to think critically without being influenced by habits, influences, and emotions, by helping us to see things more reasonably, and by allowing us to improve ourselves.


3. Seek help. If you want to achieve higher consciousness, it is best to seek the guidance of someone who has done it before. The brain's immense environment is extremely deep; if you don't have a guide, who knows which level of the brain you get to. So try and find someone who can help you achieve higher consciousness and get him or her to guide you.


Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Videos and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

Free Online Subliminal Sleep Relaxation – Achieve Total Rest and Re-Energize Yourself with Subliminal Sleep Music


Free Online Subliminal Sleep Relaxation – Achieve Total Rest and Re-Energize Yourself with Subliminal Sleep Music


Can't seem to achieve total relaxation when you sleep? Do you wake up feeling restless and tired even when you get complete sleep? This is because your mind and body does not feel relaxed when you sleep. This can make you wake up feeling sluggish, tired, and all worn out, which means you are not in the best condition to achieve your goals and reach for success. But why waste a day of your life you can't get back just because you can't relax yourself enough in sleep?


If you're having problems sleeping soundly or feeling totally relaxed even as you sleep, popping in a subliminal sleep relaxation CD may be the solution you've been looking for. There are now a lot of subliminal sleep music you can avail of over the Internet. Some websites offer trial music so you can test if they really work.


How they work? Subliminal sleep relaxation music is music especially created using sounds that help guide the mind to total relaxation. They use a technique called brainwave entrainment wherein they communicate with the brain at a particular frequency and get the brain to follow along in the same frequency. So when the music uses a frequency that is lower than the active mind's frequency, the brain follows along, making it easier for the brain to slip into restful sleep.


For total sleep relaxation, subliminal music often use the delta brainwaves. This is the frequency the brain enters into when it is in deep sleep. At this frequency, the brain signals the release of hormones necessary for daily body regeneration and healing. This is the state where your tiredness and exhaustion from the day before gets completely erased and healed. If you do not reach the delta state during sleep, you will not achieve total rest. So subliminal sleep music entrain the brain towards the delta frequency.


How to use them? There are no special techniques needed to benefit from subliminal sleep relaxation music. All you have to do is play the MP3 file or pop in the CD you bought and listen to the music. Let it lull you to sleep.


You can download and pay for subliminal sleep relaxation music over the Internet for fast transactions. However, since the Internet is full of scammers, be careful when choosing your source. Choose websites that offer guarantees as well as trial downloads. The trial downloads should be free online subliminal sleep relaxation audio that you can try to see whether they work for you or not.


If they work, the music will lead your brain fast into the delta state, and once you reach that state, your body will set to work on its natural healing and rejuvenating processes. So when you wake up in the morning, you will feel like a new person. And since the brain gets total rest, this also means you can enjoy improved focus and concentration, improved alertness, enhanced memory, better creativity flow, heightened intuition, and so on.


There are now many different kinds of subliminal sleep relaxation music, so be careful when making your decision.



Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Videos and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

Live Life to the Fullest by Overcoming Your Fear Of Death Subliminal Messages Can Help!

Live Life to the Fullest by Overcoming Your Fear Of Death Subliminal Messages Can Help!


It is natural to feel some fear towards death or the idea of dying. After all, no one in their right mind would find death particularly appealing. However, some people's fear of death sometimes becomes so extreme that it develops into a phobia.


The natural fear of death escalates into a phobia when it starts to affect a person's daily life. The phobia of death is called thanatophobia, and it is often deemed as one of the most complicated types of phobia. This is because it is rooted in so many other types of fears and are related to many others. For example, some people fear death because they are generally afraid of the unknown. The fear of death is also usually related to the fear of leaving loved ones behind.


When all the factors that add up and magnify fear of death, a phobia may develop. Thanathophobia is capable of doing a lot of things to you. Here are some examples:


It can freeze you up

It can hold you back

It can keep you from taking risks that can change your life for the better

It can put up barricades around you

It can limit you

It can make you scared of chances and opportunities


And because of all these, you won't be able to live your life to the fullest.


Sometimes, the irrational fear is still easy to control. When you feel it coming on, you can tell your conscious mind not to worry about it and just to live life normally. But sometimes, the irrational fear digs deep and affects every aspect of your life, rendering you powerless against it.


When this happens, do you just let it wrap around you and make you a limited person?


No! Overcoming the fear of death, however extreme, is now possible. Even if it develops into a phobia and ingrains itself in the deepest recesses of your mind, there are many effective ways to fight that irrational fear.


1. Guided meditations. You can avail of guided meditations from a hypnotherapist or buy your own trance meditation audio tracks. All you have to do is follow the instructions and let the hypnotherapist or the meditation audio tracks lead you into a trance. Once you're in a trance, messages are sent into your subconscious to change the beliefs that are found there. So if you believe that death is scary, you can actually change that belief to remove the unnecessary fear and destructive talk in your head.


If you want to take up the meditation habit, set aside around 20-30 minutes of your time every day.


2. Subliminal videos. You can also watch subliminal videos designed to help you overcome your fear of death. This is more appropriate for those who can't spare 30 minutes of their time. Subliminal videos last anywhere between 2 to 15 minutes only, depending on the type of video you find. Subliminal videos can help free you from the irrational fear of death and dying so that you won't be hampered by negative and fearful thoughts. Imagine how limitless you will be without these negative fences around you!


Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Videos and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

Drug Recovery Self Help – Snap Your Ties with Drugs Using Subliminal Videos

Drug Recovery Self Help – Snap Your Ties with Drugs Using Subliminal Videos


Drug recovery can be difficult to deal with on your own, so experts recommend that you seek help if you want to be free from your drug problems. Unfortunately, it is hard for most people to seek help about drugs. Thankfully, many experts realized this and focused on providing drug recovery self help techniques for those who want to make a positive change in their lives.


Unfortunately, if you choose the wrong technique, you are likely to meet the bumps and many pitfalls that wait along the way.


Any drug dependent individual can tell you how strong the desire to do drugs get once they get hooked. Even when their conscious minds tell them to stop, they still have to fight inner urges and impulses, which can be very hard to control because they think it's coming from their natural personality.


1. Set realistic goals. To fully recover from drug use, you have to treat your day to day life as an ongoing project. Set goals that are realistic and easy to meet on a day to day basis. Take the process one day at a time. Just think about it this way: your main goal is to last through the day without giving in to your drug impulses. If you meet that goal daily, then you will be counting your sober days. After some time, you can set weekly goals, then monthly goals. Even if the process sounds too prolonged, at least you become drug-free slowly but surely.


2. Mental detox. Detox is part of any drug rehabilitation program. But aside from physical detox, you should also do a mental detox. You have to detoxify your brain too since drug dependence is also a mental dependence. Many believe that drug dependence only becomes a medical problem when it starts to cause health problems. But in essence, drug addiction is a behavioral problem.


Thus, the only way to get drugs out of your system is to detoxify, not just physically, but also to remove it from your natural behavior. The brain stores habits in the subconscious level; these habits therefore tend to override the decisions of the conscious mind and influence your actions and behaviors from deep inside you. This is where your drug impulses come from.


To do a mental detox, a subliminal video for drug recovery self help can work wonders. Subliminal videos communicate directly with the subconscious level. So if you are able to plant positive messages into your subconscious, they will show through your behavior. For example, if you replace your drug dependent thoughts with thoughts of strength, freedom, and independence from drugs, they will make you act like an individual without any ties to drugs.


3. Welcome change. Now, once you've detoxified yourself, be prepared for several changes to occur in your life. Since watching subliminal videos is so easy, the challenging thing is in facing all the changes without relapsing back to your old drug-dependent way of thinking. Sometimes the overwhelming threat of a lot of changes can drive any recovering drug addict back due to fear and apprehension in the face of change. So make sure to expect a lot of changes. Since addiction also affects most aspects of life including your career, health, relationships, and so on, you have to be prepared to pick up the cluttered pieces of your life and start anew.





Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Videos and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

Down With The Sickness? 3 Effective Ways to Nurse Yourself Back to Good Health


Down With The Sickness? 3 Effective Ways to Nurse Yourself Back to Good Health


Are you suffering from some illnesses or the common infections such as sore throat, cough, and cold? Although pretty minor, all these conditions can make your life a living nightmare. They can affect the way you eat as well as your sleeping habits. They can also waste time you could have otherwise spent working and earning money.


This is the reason why you need to do something when you're down with the sickness. You need to nip it in the bud before it starts to compromise several aspects of your life. Here are a few tips on how you can chase the sickness blues away.


1. Pick up new positive habits. One important way towards healing is to adopt new and positive habits that are healthy for the body. This way, you can provide protection for your family, especially the little kids. One good habit to develop is the frequent drinking of water. This alone can help keep a lot of illnesses at bay. Drinking more juice, taking vitamins and minerals, and exercising regularly are all some examples of good habits that are worth having.


If you want to instill positive habits into your system, one good way of doing this fast is with the help of subliminal programming. To hit two birds with one stone, subliminal programming can help remove negative habits that may be causing the problem in the first place. This can help you get rid of negative habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and so on, all of which can compromise your immune system and make your more susceptible to illnesses.


Subliminal programming can replace these negative habits with positive ones to convince both your mind and body that you need to get enough sleep and rest, you need a lot of water, and you need to eat healthy food. These positive habits can go a long way in protecting you from any sickness you may encounter.


2. Develop mental awareness. If you get sick, you usually lose your willpower and motivation to do things other than rest. One thing to be careful about is when you lose your mental awareness while you're sick. Getting sick can be a worrisome and sometimes fearful experience. If you don't keep your head, your worries and fears can overwhelm you. This will not help you find the right treatment and remedies for whatever you are feeling.


One good way to enhance one's mental awareness is by meditation. Meditation is the practice of staying still and focusing on a certain object or thought. This way, you can keep a clear mind that's free from clutter and is more aware of what to do in any situation, including situations where physical ailments are involved.


3. Relax and soothe the body. Another way of speeding up healing in a sick body is to relax and soothe the body. When you're stressed, the body generally feels weaker and less energetic because you'll be running on survival mode. One good way of relaxing and soothing the body is by also by meditating, which is actually known to help treat several physical problems that spring up due to lack of relaxation.


4. Recover fast. If you are currently down with the sickness, don't let it stay for a spell. Best to shoo the illness away so you can focus on the more important things in life such as success, power, pleasure, and profits. To recover fast, you need to pump enough motivation into your mind and body so you will not be further weakened by negative sickly thoughts. What you need are positive affirmations about good health; these can make such healthy vibrations in your system that they're bound to remove all negative factors affecting your health.


Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Video and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

Do Subliminal Love Scripts Work? Attract Love with the Right Words and the Right Attitude!

Do Subliminal Love Scripts Work? Attract Love with the Right Words and the Right Attitude!


Want to strike an attraction and a connection with a person you're eyeing? Most women can easily get turned off by even the most popular pickup lines around. After all, they will have most likely heard them all.


So instead of mastering cheesy pickup lines, why don't you just use subliminal love scripts? Subliminal love scripts are scripts you can use to strike up conversations with the person you want to attract. The scripts help you create what seem like normal conversations on the surface but are actually silent messengers bearing hidden messages. With these subliminal love scripts, you're saying one thing but you're also sending another message straight to the subconscious.


Use the right words and sounds. Subliminal love scripts work by using the right words and sounds that can have the desired effect on the other person. The words and sounds should be powerful enough to stimulate desire in the other person. The scripts are written ingeniously that when you say them, you don't notice it but you can actually hear sounds that mimic other suggestive sounds.


One of the most popular use of sound tracts in subliminal love scripts is the use of words and expressions formed by sounds similar to the sound a woman makes during orgasm. By making this sound while saying words that literally mean something else entirely, the mind of the person will instantly pick up on the connection between the sound and what it reminds her of.  


There are a lot of subliminal love scripts you can avail of so you can start attracting love into your life. You can also design your own scripts using subliminal software being sold online. The important thing is that the script should be made up of the best possible words and sounds to ensure full stimulation.


Boost your self confidence. Nothing turns a woman on more than self confidence and self assuredness can. Just remember to stay within the line and not cross over to being a conceited and narcissistic guy. You have to be confident but also relaxed, so people will be impressed by you, not intimidated.


Do you know that your image about yourself emits radiant energy that people actually feel when they get near you? This energy can also influence people's response to you. So if you are too boastful and you come on too strong, people will feel blown away or like they got slapped in the face by the bucketful of cold strong energy vibrating from you. But if you are confident, you create this warm, attractive, and inviting energy that magnets people towards you.


Now, it all sounds very sci-fi with the concept of radiant energy. But this is actually a scientifically supported fact. The heart really does release electro-magnetic waves. They are so powerful that they can be emitted to as far as ten feet from your body. This is what also creates what is usually called a person's aura.




Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Video and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

Subliminal Message - How to Join Contests to Win Money and Bring Home the Cash


Subliminal Message - How to Join Contests to Win Money and Bring Home the Cash


Want to get some money fast? What's the faster way of getting money than winning it in a contest? You don't even have to work for it.


There are a lot of contests to win money these days. However, a lot of people miss out on what could possibly be the chance of a lifetime to become the instant millionaire they've always dreamed of becoming just because they didn't take the chance. Joining contests to win money is worth the little time they usually take, especially if you apply these money-winning tips:


1. Change your mindset about contest odds. Most people walk away from the chances to win money because they think the odds of them winning are too small. But how can you really tell that? A lot of people hope to win the lottery, but they don't even try buying a ticket because they think they won't win. The question is, how do you know you can't win?


The first step is to not focus on the odds and to actually join the contests. Your chance of winning grows the moment you go out to buy an entry into the contests. If it grows by 1%, that's still way better than the 0% you get when you don't buy an entry.  


2. Attract it with positive thinking. Now that you have a ticket, all you have to do is attract victory to yourself.


Do you know that your mind can attract anything into your life? When you buy a ticket or enter a contest to win money, you are just setting the wheels in motion, but at least you're getting started. Now, all you have to do is wait and attract victory into your life with positive thinking. This is what the law of attraction states. Your mind holds the power to bring anything you want into reality. All you have to do is attract your desires with positive thoughts.


When you enter a contest to win money, just how much do you believe you can win? If there are people who don't buy tickets at all, there are some who buy tickets but only have the faintest belief in their winning the contest. That's even worse than not buying a ticket at all. So if you buy a ticket, make sure to fully believe you can and will win.


3. Get rid of your doubts. The question is, how can you plant this belief into your naturally doubtful mind?


The truth is, your mind is not naturally doubtful. It is naturally powerful. Unfortunately, it has been programmed to think doubtfully because of the negative feedback it receives from society. What's this negative feedback? Haven't you noticed how the society programs us to think that we need to work our heads off to earn money? That's why we don't easily believe in our chances of simply winning money without doing anything to earn it.


But the natural power of the mind says that we can get anything as long as we focus the power of our mind on it 100%. To harness that natural power, you first have to remove the negative beliefs and doubts that have accumulated in your mind.


To do this, you can use positive affirmations or subliminal messages. These are messages designed to communicate with the subconscious. The subconscious is what powers our belief systems. This is where the mind's power lies, and this is also where all the negative feedback from outside accumulate. The purpose of the subliminal messages is to overwrite the negative thoughts and beliefs in the subconscious, with positive thoughts like:


I am going to win this contest.

Winning comes naturally to me.

I am grateful for winning money in a contest.

I attract victory.

I am focused on winning.

I regularly win.




Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Video and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

Christian Self Help – Reconciling Mind Power and the Law of Attraction to Your Christian Faith


Christian Self Help – Reconciling Mind Power and the Law of Attraction to Your Christian Faith


Christian self help is the best kind of help available for a lot of people whose beliefs are closely tied to their faith. Every person can only achieve success and contentment in life on his own effort. This is why no undetaking is possible without one's own decision to help himself. However, despite this commonality, people also have different belief systems in life. Some people believe in an unknown force in the universe, some people believe in the power that lies inside their own minds, and some people attribute this power or force to God.


For Christians, there is no power or force other than God. As a Christian, perhaps you are apprehensive when it comes to topics such as self help, meditation, hypnosis, and so on. After all, these topics harness an inner power and often develops a spirit of pure independence. Unfortunately, this causes a lot of Christians to limit themselves, making them discontented and dissatisfied with life. Many Christians, when faced with negative circumstances, break down, look around them, and usually compare their circumstances to those of more successful people in society.


To avoid meeting this dangerous pitfall in your Christian life, delve into the concepts of personal development and power. If you only look closely enough, these concepts do not contradict your belief, but rather support them.


Christians and the Power Within. According to common self help beliefs, the power to change your life lies within you. This is at peace with the concept of God's Holy Spirit living inside you once you decide to dedicate your life to Him as a Christian. That power inside you is, in fact, God Himself. Christian self help means not needing outside help because you are strong and capable, thanks to God's power that dwells inside you. It is up to you to decide whether to focus on your struggles or believe that God's power is working within you and that there is nothing for you to worry about.


Christians and the Law of Attraction. A lot of Christians also act the same way about the law of attraction. They fear that it might be harnessing power from some mysterious and unknown force in the universe, and that this might contrast their belief in the known entity, which is God. But there is no other force in the universe but God. In fact, a lot of Christians find the law of attraction comes naturally to them. You can be one of those powerful Christians. All you have to do is believe in God's power to bring you all the good things you are hoping for, no matter how impossible they seem to be. If you believe in His power to do all things, you get rid of the limits around your thinking.


God chose Christians as His own people. As a Christian, that means you are entitled to many privileges of being God's child. God has prepared a wonderful destiny for you. You are meant to be the head, not the tail. You are supposed to lead, not just follow. You are not limited by the world, because God Himself said that He, who is your Father, has overcome the world.



Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Video and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

BMV Quantum Subliminal Living The Word – Live By Your Christian Beliefs with the Help of Subliminal Audio

BMV Quantum Subliminal Living The Word – Live By Your Christian Beliefs with the Help of Subliminal Audio


The BMV Quantum Subliminal CD collection is one of the many types of subliminal products available around. Subliminal products work the same way. They use subliminal messages hidden in the form of songs, sounds, images, and videos in order to communicate directly with the subconscious. For some years now, people have been using subliminal messages to enact various changes in various aspects of their life. This is based on the ability of these messages to change people's thoughts in the subconscious, which dictates a person's impulses, habits, actions, desires, beliefs, and behavior.


There are a lot of subliminal video series. The videos are very popular because they engage the two strongest senses: sight and hearing. However, if you want to listen to powerful subliminal messages in the car or while doing something, you can use the CDs or audio tracks instead. One of the biggest collections of subliminal audio products is that of BMV Quantum, which offers CDs for various purposes.


1. What is it? One of the most powerful and popular products in the collection is the BMV Quantum subliminal CD entitled "Living the Word," which is a subliminal message CD centered on Christian Living. This is part of BMV Quantum's Ultrasonic Christian Faith Series.


2. What can it do? The BMV Quantum subliminal Living the Word CD is designed to help you live out your Christian beliefs. A lot of people may believe in Christianity but are having difficulty applying its concepts to their daily lives. A lot of Christians also have difficulty staying on track especially when they are faced with heavy problems in life.


The purpose of the BMV Quantum Living the Word subliminal CD is to remove the negative feedback of society that gets embedded in the subconscious mind so you can get rid of habits, thoughts, ideas, and actions that compromise your Christian life. With this CD, you can program your mind to live out your Christian beliefs and make your faith stronger. The CDs can also instill the Word of God so deeply in your system so it naturally comes out in your thoughts, actions, emotions, and behavior.


3. How does it work? The BMV Quantum subliminal Living the Word CD uses a method commonly used by manufacturers of subliminal audio products. This process is called brainwave entrainment, which involves communicating to the brain at a specific brainwave frequency so that the brain will just follow along on that frequency to wherever you want to take it. This technology makes it easier for you to influence the flow of thoughts in your brain.


Underneath the monotonous and trance-inducing brainwave entrainment audio used by the CD, it also uses what is called the Ultra-Silent Ultrasonic Subliminal Frequency Modulation Technology, which keeps the sound of the CD properly modulated to the right frequency so it can more powerful program the brain.


The CDs also use Autonomic Audio Pacing Technology, which mimics the sound of relaxed heartbeat and breathing patterns to lull a person to utter relaxation.


4. What do you get? You can buy the Living the Word CD and get several tracks all designed to create a package of benefits so you can start enjoying your Christian life to its fullest. The first three tracks use ocean backgrounds, while the rest of the CD uses several advanced message delivery techniques to enhance effectiveness.


Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Video and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

The Best Subliminal Products and Some Reminders When Buying Them


The Best Subliminal Products and Some Reminders When Buying Them


Subliminal messages have been making waves on and off the Internet for quite some time now. A rapidly growing number of people are discovering the amazing effects of subliminal messaging not only in the way they think and feel, but also in their status in life. Several consumers have benefited immensely from this particular mind power technique.


If you want to join the bandwagon, make sure to choose the best subliminal products you can use. This way, you won't waste your time and money and go straight to reaping the best possible benefits you can get from subliminal mind programming.


Here are some of the best, most effective, and most trustworthy subliminal products around:


1. Intelligent Warrior Subliminal Video Series. The Intelligent Warrior subliminal video series is a collection of 7 different videos, all with subliminal videos hidden in them. The 7 videos each has its own purpose or thrust:


·         Introduction - prepping you up for success

·         Superior Technique – developing ultimate confidence in yourself and what you can do

·         Social Potential – becoming a social butterfly to attract love as well as more friends

·         Aggressive Manifestation – developing a vibrant energy to get what you want

·         Unstoppable Confidence – boosting your self confidence

·         Social Mastery – making you more attractive to the opposite sex

·         Money, Power, Sex, and Love Manifestation – attracting the most common desires of the human psyche


According to scientific studies, the videos work on 99% of people who take up the Intelligent Warrior habit. In a Beta testing, the videos were also found to generate proven and immediate results. You can start feeling a change after watching the first video the first few times.


What's great about the Intelligent Warrior series is that before you buy, you can avail of a free trial download so you know what to expect when you pay for the whole series.


2. Subliminal Imaging. You can also avail of subliminal imaging programs or applications that you can simply install in your computer. The application then displays subliminal images on your monitor very quickly so that you don't see them but your subconscious absorbs them right in. You can avail of subliminal imaging software as a shareware for as low as $30.


3. Subliminal Messaging Affirmations. You can also avail of subliminal messaging affirmations programs; these work like the imaging programs, except that they flash subliminal messages instead of images on your computer monitor. The programs usually have preset subliminal messages broken down into different categories. With just a single purchase, you can solve most of your problems just by looking for the specific category you need some help with.


Some Reminders. When buying products for your new self development tool, be very careful. Some people are taking advantage of the sudden popularity of these products that consumers have fallen prey to some scammers. Even worse than getting scammed is getting re-programmed or hypnotized to do something completely not beneficial to you. Since these products can actually alter your life and your thoughts, make sure you buy them only from trusted manufacturers. Always look for a guarantee and take advantage of trial downloads being offered before you pay for the actual products. Also, watch out for websites that offer downloads that infringe on other manufacturers' copyright.



Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Video and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

Acute Stress Disorder – Three Essential Treatment Techniques to Overcome Traumatic Stress


Acute Stress Disorder – Three Essential Treatment Techniques to Overcome Traumatic Stress


Acute stress disorder can develop in a person who goes through something extremely traumatic. This disorder is characterized by anxiety, recurrent images or flashbacks of the traumatic event, and disturbances in behavior. Usually, it develops following an experience that exposes the subject to physical harm or severe mental harm, or after a near-death experience that causes intense fear in him.


This can be a major problem that can completely hinder a person from living a normal life. Usually, a person responds to acute stress disorder by becoming detached from his surroundings, by ceasing to participate in his usual activities, and by trying to deal with the problem on his own.


If you suffer from prolonged stress after a particularly difficult experience, what you are going through is perfectly normal. It is best to seek counseling and professional psychotherapy, which are said to be the most effective treatment for this problem. However, it is normal as well if you feel hesitant to seek help. That's why there are now some self help techniques that are designed to help with acute stress disorder. Fortunately, they are also known to work really fast, so you can welcome the positive changes into your life as soon as possible.


1. Re-Train Your Mind. Your mind got the shock of a lifetime after the traumatic experience you went through. Now, your mindset is that the world is a dangerous and harmful place. The decision to recover from the traumatic stress lies in your hands, and once you make that decision, you have to retrain your mind.


Why the need to re-train the mind? You have to make it believe, once again, that the world is safe and comfortable. To achieve this, you have to sync both your conscious and subconscious minds. If not, even if you try to convince yourself that the world is good, some lingering thoughts in your subconscious may be left to convince you otherwise.


One way of synchronizing your conscious and subconscious minds is subliminal programming. This is the practice of listening to audio or watching videos that are designed to deliver subtly placed messages in a form instantly absorbed by the brain. These messages are the only form of communication that the brain can recognize, so you can use them for re-training your mind. You can use messages such as:


I am safe.

I am comfortable.

I am free from the past.

Healing comes naturally to me.


2. Self-Hypnosis. Aside from subliminal programming, another effective technique in treating acute stress disorder that you can do on your own is self hypnosis. You can hypnotize yourself to feel safer. Self hypnosis and subliminal programming are quite similar, in that they communicate with the brain at a less than conscious state. However, self hypnosis requires that you be in a trance for the mental stimulation to occur, while subliminal programming can easily be done even when you're wide awake and inertly conscious.


3. Meditation. One common problem sufferers of acute stress disorder go through is sleeplessness or the inability to relax. For this problem, you can use meditation. Meditation is one of the most effective methods of making yourself relax. It also relaxes not just the body but also the mind.


To meditate, you just have to focus your attention on one single thought or object so that you leave behind your usual thoughts. This frees you from the burden that they are and allows your whole being to completely relax in the face of a completely harmless thought.




Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Video and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

5 Top Tips on How to Make Money from Home


5 Top Tips on How to Make Money from Home


1. Change your perception of your situation. A lot of people who are forced to stay at home for one reason or another such as housewives or those who became unemployed due to the economic recession usually perceive their situations bleakly when it comes to the subject of making money. So the first thing you have to do is change your perception of your situation.


Staying at home may just be the best thing that's ever happened to you. Now, you can make money from home and get more savings. Just think about it: when you stay at home, you don't have to spend on subway fare or gas. You don't have to buy expensive lunch meals from the office cafeteria.


Look on the brighter side of the situation. One way of changing your perception is by focusing on subliminal messages, such as:


I am resourceful.

I can make the most out of any situation.


2. Look for opportunities. In this age where the Internet rules, there are a lot of opportunities for those who want to make money from home. You only have to look for them. Gone are the days when work is to be found outside. Now, all you have to do to find work is to go online and search for online money making opportunities. You can choose from a lot of different types of jobs. In fact, you can choose jobs that fit your interests so you won't get bored.


3. Get a self confidence boost. Most of the money making opportunities you can do at home require that you sell yourself to different clients. You need to contact clients from all over the world and sell what service you can provide. To be able to do this, you need extra self confidence.


Subliminal messages can help in this area too. Tell yourself the following messages so you will feel worthy of the home-based job you want.


I am a capable person.

Confidence comes naturally to me.

I have a lot to offer others.


4. Attract opportunities. Maintain a positive outlook all the time. Have you heard of the law of attraction? According to this law, if you really believe in your mind that you will get the thing you want the most, the universe will work with you to get it. The positive thoughts in your head will work like a magnet and simply attract those desires straight into your life.


So think positively. Believe that you will find a lot of money making opportunities you can easily do from home, and believe that you will make a lot of money. Visualize pictures of money and focus on yourself earning a lot from home. Then see what happens.


5. Develop working discipline. One of the most important tips on how to make money from home is to develop self discipline. A lot of people who work at home tend to lose discipline. Since you stay home all the time, you're prone to taking more and longer breaks. Also, since you are not officially employed and no one keeps track of your attendance, you tend to take a lot of off days. And since you don't have a supervisor looking over your shoulder, you tend to work more slowly or without giving your best.


These poor work habits won't make you earn a lot from home. In fact, since you work as a freelancer, you won't have a set amount of salary every month. So if you don't work hard, you don't earn as well. If you really want to succeed in making money from home, discipline yourself. Be your own supervisor. These subliminal messages can also help make you a better independent worker:


I can work independently.

I maximize my time and resources.

I invest my time and efforts wisely.


Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Video and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

Subliminal Messages - 5 Tips to Say Goodbye to Teacher Stress

Subliminal Messages - 5 Tips to Say Goodbye to Teacher Stress


Statistics now show that almost 90% of all teachers suffer from moderate to high stress levels because of the many pressures and demands of their jobs. If you're a teacher, you probably know exactly what kind of stress we're talking about. All jobs are generally accompanied by a lot of stress, but teachers face a greater deal because of the more dynamic nature of their jobs.


On any given day, a teacher has to prepare lessons, conduct lessons, and handle classroom after classroom full of cranky, rowdy students ranging from uncontrollable little kids to rebellious teens. After classes, teachers have to check and grade homework and exams one by one, prepare other paperwork for reporting to their superiors, prepare for parent-teacher meetings, and so on. Add to this the role they play on disciplining and supporting students. And when angry parents come complaining, they have to deal with that as well.


Given all these, all teachers should definitely have their own stress relieving techniques. If not, the constant stress may affect their health and may even negatively affect their performance and therefore endanger their career. Here are some of the best and the most effective stress busting techniques that are easy for teachers to do and fit into their busy schedules.


1. Exercise. Exercise can help keep a person healthy, not just physically but also mentally. This makes it an invaluable stress relieving technique for teachers. Unfortunately, some teachers complain about not having enough time, but a short exercise regime every morning or every week can already bring a lot of advantages.


2. Eat well. Most teachers tend to suffer health problems because they start skipping meals due to their busy schedules. One of the easiest ways for stress to catch up with you is when you start slowing down. Not getting enough nutrition from a balanced diet will surely slow you down. So even when you're having a busy day at school, make sure to take a break and eat a proper meal.


3. Set aside time for yourself. You're a teacher at school, but you can leave the role behind sometimes too. One of the best ways to prevent teacher burnout is to spend time on other activities that you do for yourself. Set aside time to pamper yourself or engage in activities that you enjoy. And make sure to engage in such activities during the school year, not just during the summer vacation.


4. Don't be too emotional and sensitive. Teachers should also know where to draw the line between their job and their personal lives. If they encounter problems with some of their students, teachers should not take it personally.


5. Think positively. Most of all, teachers should maintain a positive perception about the job. This will help add to his or her motivation. One of the best ways to keep a positive mind is to use subliminal messages that are sent directly to the subconscious. Once planted in the subconscious, that thought remains embedded despite efforts of the conscious mind to change course.


Subliminal messages can help you, as a teacher, maintain a positive perception about your job and to prevent stress from overwhelming you. These messages can condition your subconscious so it will not be affected by any negative feedback you receive. If your subconscious is happy and fulfilled, you will be too, and your actions and behavior will show it.


Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Video and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

Stress Release Video And Music – How Do They Work?


Stress Release Video And Music – How Do They Work?


One of the most popular stress release techniques nowadays is the use of subliminal programming to condition the mind to fend off stress. This techniques delivers calming and relaxing messages to the brain's subconscious level. From there, the calm and relaxed thoughts will spread and influence one's actions and behaviors.


So how is this different from simply telling your mind to relax and calm down? When the prompting comes from the conscious mind, it is prodded, evaluated, and filtered. And since these thoughts contradict with the more powerful and more deeply embedded negative thoughts and beliefs in the subconscious mind, the prompting to calm down will be rejected by the brain.


This is why it is necessary to use subliminal products to deliver these messages straight to the brain. This is what stress release videos and music are for.


But how exactly do they work?


Subliminal videos. Have you ever watched subliminal videos? There are different ways through which subliminal messages are embedded in the videos. First, the hidden messages are inserted between frames and only flash for a fraction of a second that you won't consciously see it, but your subconscious mind will already absorb it.


There is, however, another type of subliminal video. These are slideshows that show different pictures of various sceneries or any kind of photos. The purpose of these photos is simply to engage the mind. Underneath or overlapping with these photos are subliminal messages that flash through the screen for a fraction of a second. They usually flash all throughout the video and you might see traces of them but you will not be able to read them. The subconscious, however, is fast enough to pick them up.


If you haven't seen a stress release video or any subliminal video, you can look for trial downloads being offered online. These can give you a sneak peek so you know what to expect. The videos can work instantly; you don't have to wait long before you can feel the changes. If you're convinced, you can purchase more specific videos that target specific problem areas related to your source of stress.


Subliminal music. Subliminals in music, on the other hand, uses a different delivery method. There are songs (with lyrics) or instrumental music that are used to deliver the hidden messages. Subliminal music has a calming effect on the brain and its power is mostly attributed to binaural beats.


Binaural beats refer to two sounds that are played at different frequencies; one ear receives a different sound at around 480 hrz while the other ear receives another sound at 490 hrz. The sounds are repeated. Along the way, the brain follows along the sounds until it is lulled to a 10 hrz frequency, which is a very relaxed state for the brain.


To fully relax when listening to binaural beats, you have to concentrate on the sounds. It is best to listen to them using headphones as these can block out any external sounds.


Both stress release video and binaural beats music or sound tracks are available online.


Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Video and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

Subliminal Messages – The Ultimate Stress Hormones Busters

Subliminal Messages – The Ultimate Stress Hormones Busters


Some people feel that they are slaves to stress because they have no control over the hormones that cause stress. But there is a proven way to bust stress; you just have to harness the power of the ultimate stress buster: subliminal messages.


The concept of subliminal programming have been around for quite some time now. Until now, though, some people still has qualms about whether it really works against stress. After all, stress is a natural effect of hormones, which is a processing in the body that is beyond our control. But let's look at how stress works to prove the effectiveness of subliminal stress relief.


The Stress Hormones and How Stress Works. All the small and big things that can aggravate us in any given day can have a profound effect on the brain. When there is a sign of anything aggravating or irritating, the adrenal glands release a hormone called cortisol, also dubbed as the stress hormone.


Cortisol has an important role in the body. A certain level of it is needed in many of the body's most important factors such as:


·         Glucose metabolism

·         Blood pressure regulation

·         Immune system

·         Inflammatory responses

·         Maintenance of blood sugar levels


Unfortunately, when faced by a stressful situation, the body releases higher levels of cortisol because it recognizes the warning or battle signs; the body thinks it is entering a battle field, enters red alert stage, and releases its weapons: cortisol. After the battle has passed, the cortisol levels go back to normal.


But in this highly stressful world, many people's bodies are constantly on red alert mode, which means their cortisol levels are usually higher than normal. When the body does not return to normal mode, this causes chronic stress.


The worst part about stress is that its effects are cumulative. This means that if you don't relieve yourself from stress, it can actually cause lasting damage on the brain in the long run. This damage can manifest itself in learning difficulties and weak memory.


The Stress Hormone Buster. Cortisol gets released when the brain recognizes an emergency state. If you are constantly worrying or aggravated, then the brain just keeps on releasing cortisol.


Subliminal messages are the perfect weapon to fight against the stress hormone. By sending positive and calm subliminal messages to the brain, the brain clears, calms down, sends relaxing signals to the body, and both the mind and the body decides that the red alert state is no longer necessary. Thus, the adrenal glands stop the release of high levels of cortisol, so the body goes back to its normal state.


How Subliminal Messages Work. There are many ways to deliver subliminal messages to the brain as a stress antidote. You can use guided imagery or focusing on relaxing images in your head to create a positive environment in your brain. You can also use self-hypnosis, yoga, meditation, or listening to music with binaural beats. You can also watch subliminal videos that send specific messages targeted for stress relief.


All these methods work the same way: they plant positive relaxing messages in the subconscious level. Once there, these positive thoughts can change your perception of the situation. So instead of seeing a situation as stressful, you see it in a positive light and the brain fends off negative thoughts automatically.


Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Video and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)

The Stress and Thyroid Link – Bust Stress and Keep Thyroid Away with Subliminal Messages


The Stress and Thyroid Link – Bust Stress and Keep Thyroid Away with Subliminal Messages


Thyroid problems, such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, can be very aggravating for anyone. These problems have to do with the thyroid gland, which is located in front of the neck. The thyroid gland secretes hormones that play an important role in regulating the body's temperature, weight, energy, and mood.


Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland secrete too much hormones, while hypothyroidism occurs when the gland releases a too small amount of hormones.


Thyroid problems are most common among women, and the risk of developing them increases with age. However, according to some recent studies, there is a possible link between stress and thyroid problems and that high levels of or frequent stress can increase chances of developing thyroid problems.


Stress and thyroid – the connection. The studies showed that high levels of stress causes the body to go into a red alert or survival mode. When in this mode, the body releases the hormone cortisol, but the release of other hormones that are not necessary for survival stops. These hormones are those in charge of immunity, growth, and metabolism, and the thyroid gland hormone happens to be one of these. If the stress passes, the body goes back to normal mode. However, frequent stress can cause a long term cessation of the release of the thyroid gland hormone, which can then lead to a thyroid problem.


Are you at risk? Do you think you are at risk of having thyroid problems? Do you have a family history of thyroid disease? If so, make sure to have your thyroid checked regularly. But if you are a possible candidate for thyroid disease, as they say, prevention is better than cure, so you should take steps to lower your chances of developing the disease.


Due to the discovered link between stress and thyroid, you should be careful to avoid stressing yourself out, especially for extended periods of time.


Best stress buster. One of the most effective ways to protect yourself from stress is by subliminal programming, or delivering subliminal messages straight to the subconscious.


The subconscious is said to be a very powerful consciousness state of the mind. It is where all things you learn get stored even without you consciously registering or committing them to memory. Although the conscious mind processes and approves decisions, it is in fact the subconscious that controls people's behavior. So even if you consciously decide to not be stressed, you still have reasons to be stressed because the subconscious says so.


So when you deliver messages straight to the subconscious, you can convince it that there is no reason to be stressed. You can even train it to embrace a relaxed state so it can form a barrier against stress.


There is no way to communicate with the subconscious without using subliminal techniques such as watching subliminal videos or listening to subliminal music. Another possible technique is hypnotherapy where the conscious mind is relaxed to a deep trance so that the subconscious may be allowed to come out.


To bust stress, just look for videos or music that contain positive subliminal messages such as:


I am calm and relaxed.

I welcome peace of mind.

Calmness comes naturally to me.

I stay calm all the time.




Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Video and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
Click either link to get 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). Click now.:)