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Monday, April 4, 2011

5 Ways to Survive Homeschooling Your Kids with Subliminal Messages

5 Ways to Survive Homeschooling Your Kids with Subliminal Messages


A lot of parents, for the past few years, have decided to home-school their children. There are plenty of reasons. One they can spend more time with their kiddos. Moreover, they can match their curriculum with the learning abilities and pace of their children. They can also focus on certain areas, especially on those that the kids are really good at.


But home-schooling is not a joke. It's just as difficult as teaching children in the four-walled classroom. Because you are chiefly responsible to your children's education, it's important you can carry on with the task with great knowledge and to the best of your ability.


Here are great ideas on how to survive home-schooling:


1. Pick the best time for learning. Some parents teach their kids anytime they want to, but what's most ideal is to have the best time to do it. This way, your children will learn not to do anything else when the period comes. The learning doesn't have to last for hours. It will be tiresome for kids. You can divide your lesson of the day into four parts, each at different hours. But you stick with the schedules as much as possible.


2. Create a classroom atmosphere. If you want your children to take their lessons very seriously, then you should also create an atmosphere that's conducive for learning. You can convert a portion of your house to a "mini classroom," complete with tables and chairs. To further engage them, you can purchase supplies such as crayons, papers, and pencils. As the teacher, you also need the board. Use it too to increase interaction with the children.


3. Allow your kids to teach you too. Kids love to imitate the adults, and a lot of them would surely want to be teachers, at least for the day. What don't you do that? You can assign a topic beforehand and then permit them to discuss what they've learned with you. You'll be amazed on how much information they can share with you. You can also use this method to assess their level of understanding and their techniques in learning things.


4. Explore the outdoors. Children will learn a lot faster if they are exposed to the things they get to read in books or see on televisions and the Internet. Make it a point to incorporate outdoor activities. For example, you can go to a park and allow them to observe insects and animals. If you're teaching them about sports, head to the gym.


5. Maintain your sanity. You cannot afford to let your irritability, stress, and other negative emotions rule you, especially if you're teaching your kids. You should learn to handle them very well.


Using affirmations or subliminal messages can be a great help. You can download subliminal messages mp3s online then listen to them before you begin your lessons. What types of messages do they bring? They would usually be about managing stress and anger very well. You can also play them every time you need a little boost.


Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages Online. Valued at $160, click for 4 Free Subliminal Messages!

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