Hypnosis Videos

Hypnosis Videos
Hypnosis Videos

Sunday, August 8, 2010

PUSH - Progressive Unconscious Subliminal Hierarchy

Progressive Unconscious Subliminal Hierarchy, or PUSH.

The reason that PUSH works so well is that it addresses the 5 main components of ALL achievement: Love, Desire, Hope, Joy and Courage.

1- Love - a feeling of attraction toward "good".

2- Desire - a feeling of movement toward the direction of a "good" which is loved.

3- Hope - a feeling of confident expectations that the "good" we love and desire will be ours, will be achieved or possessed by whatever help is needed.

4- Joy - a feeling of delight which accompanies the achieving or possession of a "good".

5- Courage - a feeling of strength to overcome difficulties in the way of achieving a "good" or enduring an "evil".

To say that the PUSH Sequence gives you "guts" is an understatement.

When You Experience The *Joy* of Achieving Something Good BEFORE It Happens, It Is Only A Matter Of Time Before It Actually Does Happen!!


When you use a 5-Step PUSH Sequence subliminal sequence video, you go through all of the required steps in order for you to "Go Get It".

-You are Likable, Warm, Affectionate, Passionate, Tender, Drawn Toward Others, Captivated By Others, Concerned For Others, Have Admiration For Others and a Sense of Wonder At Others.

-You are longing for Others, Craving Others, Need Others, Impulse toward Others, and Impelled toward Others, want Others, Curious about Others, Inquisitive about Others and Nosey About Others.

-You are Expectant of Others, Anticipate Others, and Aspire to Others, Trust Others, Have Reliance on Others, and Have Faith in Others, Are Buoyant, Bright and Confident.

-You are Happy, Pleasant, Satisfied, Refreshed, Completed, Fulfilled, Grateful, Gleeful, Delighted, Calm, Peaceful, Tranquil, Relieved and Comfortable.

-You are Brave, have Guts, have Spunk, take Risks, are Patient, have Endurance, have Roughness, have Confidence, have Competence, have Assurance, are Bold, are Audacious and are Cocky.

You can read it right there and try to understand it, but when you watch this PUSH Video -- YOU FEEL IT!

"This is GREAT and unfolding a new chapter in my life. I am meeting 2-3 new, fun and cool friends each night I go out and don't have the anxiety and fear that I had before BECAUSE IT WORKS. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You!" Jim Davis, Memphis, TN USA

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