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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Subliminal Video To Get Rid Of Your Nails Biting Habits

 Subliminal Video To Get Rid Of Your Nails Biting Habits


Do you know that you can actually put an end to your unpleasant nails biting habit with a subliminal video? It can be quite difficult to grow well-manicured, clean-looking, and attractive nails if you have this tricky habit. The problem with nail biting is that it's a habit you don't even notice. You just find yourself unconsciously biting your nails. This means you don't get to filter the action anymore. This is why most people get accustomed to this bad habit for years without making any effort to stop it.


Here are some of the changes that are needed to help you bid goodbye to this frustrating habit.


1. Be more aware of your actions. A keen awareness of what you do and the coordination between your mind and body is needed if you want to stop your nail biting habit. If you are keenly aware of what you do and your mind is conscious all the time of what your body does, you won't be biting your nails unconsciously. Unfortunately, most of our mannerisms and habits are actions we do not even become aware of. This is because our minds are not clear and do not have a strong focus, so several things get away without passing our attention. To stop your nail biting habit, you have to improve your mental awareness. 


2. Have the willpower and discipline. Once you become aware of your negative habit, you have to make the decision to stop it. And when you make that decision, it should be accompanied by strong willpower and discipline to see it through. The decision has to translate into actual action. You also have to be 100% committed to that decision. Once you stop the habit, you have to do everything so you will not do it again, not even once. It would be like how alcoholics count their sober days.


3. Remove the mental habit. Some people also develop associations between their nail biting habits and certain emotions and mental conditions they experience. For example, a lot of people tend to bite their nails when they are stressed, some when they are nervous. So even if you are able to control the action itself, the habit can stay embedded in the mind and can be triggered again when you get nervous or stressed. So if you remove the physical act, you also have to get rid of the mental habit.


4. Visualize a life without nail biting. Can you visualize your life without nail biting? Now, you won't be afraid to shake hands with others or point things out. Now, you won't be ashamed of your nails. So just keep on thinking about the positive changes that will occur in your life if you get rid of your nail biting habits. You'll get nice hands and attractive fingers, and this can add to your total confidence.


Stop Nail Biting Subliminal Video. If you find it difficult to achieve all these changes and completely end your nail biting problem, all you need is just one additional aid: a subliminal video. There are subliminal videos specifically designed to help remove the nail biting habit from your system. The videos can clear your mind to make you more aware of your actions, can embed stronger willpower in you, can remove deeply ingrained habits, and can attract positive changes into your life by helping you think more positively.


These videos work directly on the subconscious, so you can expect to feel the difference almost instantly. The best part is, they can help you enjoy attractive nails for good!


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