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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How Not to Lose Yourself Together with Money

How Not to Lose Yourself Together with Money


Blame it on the economy, bad investment skills, greedy people, the government, and global wars. The bottom line is you don't have any money right now, and your bills are piling up. Your children are already in school, and your partner doesn't have a job.


Surely, with not enough finances, it's easy for you to lose yourself and feel hopeless. You may even become like the others who fall into depression. Know, though, that doesn't get you anywhere. It may only add to your growing list of problems.


What should you do then? You better shape up! There are many ways on how to recover your lost money. You can begin with the following tips:


Know where you stand.


The first thing you have to do is to determine your current financial status. Can you still hold on for a few more weeks or months, or are you going bankrupt? Knowing where you stand gives you guidance on what to do next.


Ask help from friends and family.


There are two good reasons for this. As much as possible, you should not declare bankruptcy. The record stays in your credit report for up to 7 years, making it difficult to apply for loans within that period. Second, friends and family members don't charge you with interest rates. You may even negotiate your payment terms so they'll be more favorable.


Cut back on expenses.


There could be some expenses you can further reduce, for example, the budget on food and transportation.


Learn to handle at least two jobs.


When you need a lot of money, then you should be willing to put in a lot of hours for work. To find money, it's time to juggle at least two jobs. You can work full time and part time, or you can take some work during the weekends.


Consider investing money.


You may ask, "What can I invest when I don't have money in the first place?" You don't have to start with mutual funds, bonds, or stocks. They can be ridiculously expensive. Rather, begin by putting your savings into banks. Don't forget that savings accounts do earn interest. The earnings may not be huge, but it's already a good start.


Be more creative.


There are a lot of activities you can do without spending a single dime. You can bring out all the old board games, listen to good music, watch reruns on television, lounge in the garden, take a walk around the neighborhood, or camp in the backyard.  




If there's one thing you should learn about your situation, it is to save is divine. While you have money, no matter how small, save it up for the rainier day. There are many ways to save, and one of the best is to immediately set aside a portion of your income for it.


Motivate yourself.


Sometimes you feel so hard-up because you cannot find lost money. Bring yourself up, though, by using visualization and subliminal messages.

Every morning, before you do anything else, picture yourself performing all your tasks for the day. Imagine yourself feeling a lot of love and inspiration while you're doing them. During your visualization, you can repeat the following subliminal messages:


Today is an opportunity to earn money.

I am not going to waste this day.

I am looking forward to more blessings.


Do this daily and you'll just wake up refreshed and ready to get started all the time.


Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages Online. Valued at $160, click for 4 Free Subliminal Messages!

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